Tuesday, May 6, 2008
What has changed?
I am finally ok with the wildlife in Japan!
Dogs are a common pet in Japan. There aren't normally ones big enough for full grown foreign males to sit on, but I managed to find one.
More trouble in Japan

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Clubs and circles in Japanese schools. Make yourself some friends!
Here is a look at club recruitment day. It is Sunday, but looks as busy as or even busier than a normal school day at Kansai. Clubs and circles are a little different from one another by clubs being a little more strict on their rules and circles are more linient. Club recruitment day is about showing people the different types of clubs or circles they can enter. A lot of them are free other than you may need to buy some clothes to train in or what not. So it is an easy way to make yourself some friends!
Foreign students are welcome to join clubs but they are treated a little different from Japanese Kansai students. An example of this is when I was asked today to join the track and field circle I asked what days they trained. They said "Everyday except Thursday and Sunday, but since you are a foreign student you can come when you want to." I like that schedule!
The real point of the clubs though is to bring people together and to teach them about working together.Of course there are clubs that will really train you too. It depends on what you are into. At least this is what I have learned from being in a circle. It is really just a interesting way to meet people in my opinion. One club today that wanted me to join said I could just come and talk with people and not even do what they were training for. Another said I could join the club and just go and drink with them.
Martial arts clubs are more strict with training. Again though they still hang out with each other outside of the training rooms.
I went around and asked peeople why they join the clubs and their first answer is to make friends and be social. Because your friends don't come with you from high school it is an easy way to be social with people and not be intrusive. It makes for a more enriching college experience.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Some sports in Japan
Monday, April 7, 2008
Christianity, its all good
This is a picture I took while strolling around waiting to see a movie in Shinjo, Kyoto around March 27th or so. I was actually very surprised to see this there. I was aware there were Christians in Japan but up to this point I had not seen anything relating to Christianity. Here is a link to a brief history of religion in Japan http://homepage3.nifty.com/su/Englishpage/History_Christianity.html.
Since I noticed this bookstore I have also noticed a few other Christian places around Japan. I found a Christian elementary school in Korien. I read here (http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2298.html) that from the beginning of Christianity in Japan it was mostly middle to upper class people that joined. It makes sense to me that in those times the more welathy would have the religion because other people would not have had time for work and religion.
One part of Christianity I have noticed that are widely celebrated in Japan are the holidays. For example Christmas or Saint Valentine's day. Saint Valentine's Day has also been modified in Japan to the White Day in March. (Valentine's day is for women to give chocolate to men and White Day is for men to return chocolate to women.)
This is a picture of one of my friends that is wearing a cross earing and a necklace with The Virgin Mary on it. These are not worn for the religion but for the fashion of them. Since I saw these and asked about them I have also noticed several other people wearing them.
I asked these people if they were Christian or Catholic and the answers have all been no. An interesting thing I learned was that some people had gone to Christian junior and high schools, but were not Christian at all. Where I am from I know of a Christian school and you had to be Christian or they wouldn't consider you to be allowed to attend.
I find it very interesting that these religions in Japan are so different from in America. I think it is very good to be open minded in this case and let be enrolled in their school and not be part of their religion.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The entertainment of relaxation by gardening.
This first photo is of a garden that to me looks entertaining in three different ways. First off the if you look at the house in the background you can see that it is an older style Japanese house, so someone had a good time planning the layout of this garden. To the right where the photo ends is a normal front door. This is just the view from the gate to walk through the garden.
Second, this garden is very well kept. If you look closely at the bushes they are trimmed very neatly. There is also the statues that have no dirt on them. They are cleaned regularly. If you look at the rocks in the middle of the path way you can see that the grass srrounding them doesn't cover them at all. some people do gardening just to have it look good but people with gardens this neat take some enjoyment from it.
The last bit of enjoyment that I see here is the fact that the owners look at it and can see how beautiful and relaxing it is. I was told by my old host family's mother that when she sits in her garden it brings a cettain calmness over her like a meditation. She can just stand or sit there and she can feel stress being lifted from her. Her garden was different from this one, but maybe the people can feel the same effect from theirs.
This next picture is of a house around the corner from the last one. It is a different style of garden which is obvious because most of these plants are in pots(the strangest plant is the big red one with lights and drinks in it). Where the plants are has little to do with the entertainment of the garden though. I looked at these plants to see what kinds of plants there were to compare with the garden at my house in America. These are only plants. What I mean by that is that the plants grown here are not for food or something like that. They are just grown for the fun of gardening. They are
still well kept all the same. I see the owner of this garden outside watering and maintaining them regularly.
This is another picture of a well kept garden. Again if you look at the hedges you can see that they get trimmed often to keep the lines even and neat looking. When I looked at this garden I of course had to notice this gate that is sometimes part of a garden. This could be considered part of the garden since there is a design on the gate and the handles to the gate have designs also. The design is of a lion's head. If you look closely though you can see that the left side is the exact same gate as the right. meaning the head is upside down. I did ask some people passing by if there was a reason and they said they had no idea. I think it is just because the design of the gate is cool so they got the same to make it wider. There is another garden type I would like to show a picture of but I couldn't find one in time, but is known as Zen Gardens. Here is a link to one that you can get a portable garden to calm your stresses http://www.zengarden.co.za/. But the one I really like is http://www.ppsimages.com/spj/pix_pages/07GARDENS/garden_04.html. This shows several pictures of different types of these fantastic gardens and other types as well. For me all kinds of gardens are good but they prodause diffferent feelings for me. These pictures I have of the gardens with plants make me feel calm and relaxed, but the rock gardens make me feel calm but very secure. I also think of being in an ocean.
I hope this sparks some interest for someone!