I was curious about college life in Japan compared to my home country (America) so I went around and asked people various questions about their college life, free time, etc..
The first huge difference I noticed here is that people in Japan want to go to College immediatly after high school (unless they fail the exam, but that is another story). I have attended two colleges in Japan and asked about older students (being one myself) and if that ever happens here. The answer I got was no. I am sure it could happen under irregular cicumstances but it isnot at all common.
People in Japan normally graduate around the age of 22 or 23. I America someone can gradute at age 60 or when ever it wouldn't matter aslong as they do the work, but it is not uncommon for that to happen in America.
Another difference I am used to is that in America you have more options about if you are a part-time student full- time or just taking a class. Here in Japan you are a full time student first and then you decide what you will do on your spare time. School will run from around 9 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon on the weekdays. Their study time is how much they are willing to invest into it.
A big thing here is sports clubs and circles. Clubs and circles are almost the same but clubs will have more strict rules with participation and attendance. Cirlces are more relaxed about that kind of thing. If a student is in a circle or club they will most likely be spending about 10 hours a week, but can be much more on practicing with their other members. This plus the school work makes for a busy week.
Many students here have part time jobs also. (This is the opposite from what I think of American Universitys. I have a full time job and am a part time student.) These students will work short shifts but they seem to work many days. I am just amazed at how much time the students here spend on school, school activities, and work. It seems to me like they never would be able to have fun.
They do! Many of the students will go out with friends and play, drink, sing, or whatever, but what they give up is sleep. Students here don't sleep like Americans at all! I have talked to many Japanese students and they have told me about how they slept for two hours the night before or they average 5 hours of sleep a night. This in America may happen, but it is more likely that student will skip the class and try to catch up on their sleep. I am amazed at how much the Japanese students work and how little they sleep. (Of course this is not every Japanese student).
What's the title of this post?
This post serves as a nice little overview of student life in Japan. But I think you overgeneralize about Japan and America. Some actual examples/case studies would be useful. How are you using your photos in this post? What is the connection between them and your text?
I've been kind of curious about college life in other countries myself.
hey thanks for this post... Thanks for this bsief look into japanese college life. like you im also an american. so mabye this will help me learn something valuable :)
Hey, what age do people start college in Japan, and when do they graduate?
To anonymous commenter:
As it said in the post, Japanese students prefer to go to collage right out of high school. (about 18 years old.) And they graduate at about 23 or 24 years of age. (5 to 6 years of college studies or more.) Hope that helped. :)
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