Sunday, February 10, 2008

This is one of the first days I was in Japan. This picture is taken in Kyoto of the Aoi Festival on the road that goes around the Imperial Palace. I was surprised that instead of shutting off the road and rerouting traffic cones were set up and traffic directors worked to keep the flow going. People still gathered and took pictures and watched the parade and there were no accidents at all. Two things stuck out to me from this- Being Respectful and Public Order. Nobody showed anger or honked because they were being delayed. People just accepted what was happening and dealt with it like mature adults

1 comment:

visual gonthros said...

In the future, as a visual anthropologist, I trust you will find out details of the photos you post and describe. Was the parade a Shinto shrine procession? A sort of advertisement for a performance?

Your subject this week is interesting in that in a previous semester, a student blogged about how Japanese people tend to get in the way of each other on the road, sidewalk, train station, etc. I very much sympathized with his frustration.

Check out his blog, called "Japan Idle."